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Friday, May 13, 2016


News from Our Industry Newsletters

May 6, 2016

Correspondent Channel Plays Huge Role in 1Q FHA Purchase Lending

Retail loan originations account for most new VA lending, but the correspondent channel plays an outsized role in the FHA market, especially…… from Inside FHA/VA Lending

May 5, 2016

Share Prices of Several Top-Ranked Lenders Are in the Tank, Which Bodes Poorly for the Mortgage IPO Market

When it comes to stock price performance, its been an ugly year so far in 2016 for most of the nations publicly traded nonbanks, especially…… from Inside Mortgage Finance

April 29, 2016

FOMC Holds Steady, No Interest Rate Increase; Observers Split on If and When There’s Another

The Federal Reserve Open Market Committee concluded its regularly scheduled meeting earlier this week and, to no ones surprise, decided yet…… from Inside MBS & ABS

April 15, 2016

Fannie Captured Some Market Share in Slumping 1Q of 2016

Fannie Mae did a slightly better job than Freddie Mac in fending off the seasonal slump in new single-family mortgage business during the…… from Inside The GSEs


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